So I was all prepared for the audition. Got Madison together, and left early, in case of traffic and parking. Had a bit of traffic, and found parking no problem. And then we went in. As soon as we went in I knew we should leave. There were a lot of kids, in a lot of age groups. I got the paperwork, and noticed that we were #201, and they were currently on #157. Okay, maybe an hour...NOT!
Apparently, when you got called back they would change the kids into the Carters/Osh Kosh clothes, then take pictures. That's really smart. We ended up waiting 3 hours to get called. By then Madi was exhausted, because it was late (5:15 p.m.). They called her, and I think they had realized not to put kids in the clothes. Madi stood on the marker, but wanted nothing to do with it. She stuck her tongue out, didn't smile, didn't care. Neither did I.
They were casting 75 kids total for the next day! Seriously, next day. Obviously, we didn't get it, and I was just fine with that. On the way out I witnessed a mom chewing out her daughters, for not getting the job. Really? I mean come on. It's just a campaign.