Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Neither studio teachers, parents nor the DLSE are empowered to waive- at any time- under any circumstances- any minimum labor standard established in law or regulation.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Disney Baby!!!

Way back on June 7th of last year I blogged about shooting at a “random person’s house." LOL! Well, I can now reveal it was a Disney Baby shoot, which just went live on the web!! Morgan is a bathtime baby. Here are the pictures from the site. My little chunkster!! And no, that is not me!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Turn Around

12 hours must elapse between the minor's dismissal time and next day call time or school start time. If the minor's regular school starts less than 12 hours after dismissal time, the minor must be schooled the following day at the employer's place of business. (8 CCR 11760 (i))