I guess auditions are far and few between for the under 1 category. We kept receiving notices that there are auditions upcoming for Old Navy and Church of Scientology. I contacted Madi's agent and asked her what we're supposed to do with these, because in order to submit her, I'd have to shell out between $0.99 and $2.00. Agent said that she submits us regularly, but nothing has come up.
So I just stopped thinking about it, because A) Both auditions were looking for different ages. Old Navy wanted 4-9 months or 18-24 months, and the Church was looking for kids over 1. No big deal.
This morning at around 9:30 a.m. I decided to check my phone. Low and behold there's a call from Madi's agent. She called last night to let us know that Madi is up for the Old Navy ad. Audition is Friday at 10:50 a.m. Um, that's TODAY, in about an hour. So I threw together the diaper bag, dawned some clothes on me, and threw on an outfit on the BOOM. And off we went. Drove down to Los Angeles, found parking, and thank God, the casting call was not as crazy as the babyGap one was. Though the casting agent was the same. We signed in and relaxed.
We saw the girl that was in line after us at babyGap, and lots of new faces. Tons of babies, lots of super cute tots. My favorite mom was SPECTACULAR. She had a curly weave, with a little bow holding her hair back. She was at least 6 feet tall, and she wore spandangly jewelry and sparkly shoes. Who knows, maybe she was trying out!
Of course Madison decided to throw up all over the floor right before we got called in. I didn't change her (no time) but cleaned her up nicely. She looked cute in her "African-safari" outfit. We went into room 3 to get Madi on tape. She sat on a little stage, and followed the directions of the casting lady. Once we were done, the casting lady asked us to go around the corner and meet the casting director, Chelsea Ryan. OMG! Really?! Okay! Chelsea came out and got down to Madi's level and Madi gave her a big grin showing off her 6 teeth. That was it.
Another audition notch in our belt.