Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Family Audition

Morgan got called in for an audition, that requested for Daddy and an older sister (age 3-4). Hi! Random, but my peeps fit the bill :-P So we all went. I went so that my Mister didn't have to play zone defense, rather one-on-one.

Once there, they got called in and I stayed behind. So apparently, Daddy had to look lovingly at his girls (easy), and Madison had to make Morgan laugh. Apparently, she got her sister to laugh hysterically. Success!!

My peeps scored an AVAIL from this audition. Proud Momma!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Callback for Madi

Madison got the callback for the commercial. This time, Daddy had to take her. But the night before, we played "audition." Basically we practiced saying our names and speaking slowly and clearly.

So we don't know much about what happened in the audition because Daddy didn't go in with Mad. We know this much... Madison had to draw a picture and then talk about it to the other actors. Yeah, no. She was one of the youngest girls by about a year and a half. Her drawings consist of scribbled and not much else. And if you ask her to to talk about it she gives a quick and concise answer. She's 3 1/2. She was done pretty fast and was not asked to stay.

Really proud of her for.getting this far in something new. Let's stick to nonspeaking roles.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Photoshoot at a Random Person's House

Sounds fishy, don't it??

Apparently, this is very common in the world of print and media. We got to our location in Cheviot Hills just before 1. Let me just say that this was by far our favorite shoot. The production people, as well as the talent was absolutely amazing.

We were told to bring outfits with us, but it turns out Morgan's outfit was her "birthday suit." She was the primary baby in the bathtub, with a mom that looked nothing like me :-P However, they developed chemistry early in the day. Once Miss Mo went into the photoshoot, she turned on her charm. I was convinced she would do horrible, as she was cranky and teething all morning. But once that camera came out, she was a whole other kid. She rocked it for 45 minutes.

We had the production team dancing and giggling, and we all rocked out to The Jackson 5's "ABC," in a random person's master bath. And what a bathroom it was. No less than 15 production people were in there! They set up in the shower, and they shot Mo in the bath. Great times.

Thank you!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

New Auditions

Baby line for Morgan
Mo got called in for an audition for a baby line of products. The audition wasn't too far, in Santa Monica. We got to the studio, went in, got called, got a picture taken, and that's it. Shortest audition ever. Thank goodness, because I had to haul my cookies home to pick up Mad and take her to an audition on the west side. Phew!!

Commercial for Madison
Madison had a commercial audition in the afternoon. Only a couple of girls older then her were there. We went in and I sat on the casting couch. LMAO. Mad was instructed to say her name and age, followed by waving and saying "Hi mommy and daddy!" Then she had to sweetly say "Goodnight daddy, I love you." She was cute and did as instructed. Afterwards I asked her if she had fun, and she gave an exuberant "Yes!"