Wednesday, June 1, 2011

New Auditions

Baby line for Morgan
Mo got called in for an audition for a baby line of products. The audition wasn't too far, in Santa Monica. We got to the studio, went in, got called, got a picture taken, and that's it. Shortest audition ever. Thank goodness, because I had to haul my cookies home to pick up Mad and take her to an audition on the west side. Phew!!

Commercial for Madison
Madison had a commercial audition in the afternoon. Only a couple of girls older then her were there. We went in and I sat on the casting couch. LMAO. Mad was instructed to say her name and age, followed by waving and saying "Hi mommy and daddy!" Then she had to sweetly say "Goodnight daddy, I love you." She was cute and did as instructed. Afterwards I asked her if she had fun, and she gave an exuberant "Yes!"