After almost five years in this business, here is what I have learned about casting in Los Angeles. Casting Directors look for brown haired, brown eyed, ambiguous ethnicity kids to play to many demographics. My kids do not fit the mold, at all. My girls are blonde haired, blue eyed. They DO NOT get auditions regularly. They do not work. Between 18 months and three and a half years, it's a rarity. So when we received a new audition notice for Morgan, who is almost 2 1/2, I almost jumped out of my skivvies in excitement.
Morgan and I hustled our booties down to Taylor Casting, which happens to be in a building with a play area. Um, they know what they are doing! Morgan got in front of the camera and looked for the fairy...but when she is in front of the camera she yells "Cheese" and smiles. G-d bless her little heart. She tried to be serious, but it wasn't going to happen. Met Katie Taylor, who is just the loveliest lady, who is wonderful with everyone that comes in.
Loved seeing all the blonde littles getting a chance to be seen! Morgan told me after "Fun, momma!" Happy to hear those words!