Monday, December 28, 2009

Months Later

I swear this kid is a natural! Around people she's met dozens of times, she can be shy and coy. But put her in front of a camera and something clicks. She's friendly to strangers, she engages the camera and follows direction. Maybe I should just carry a video camera around to get her to do what I want.

Last week I got an iPhone, and proceeded to check e-mail. Low and behold, Madi got an audition for a national Target campaign. I had ample time to prepare, about 5 days. So I got new head shots printed, got her clothes ready, snacks, etc. We drove down to Alyson Horn Casting in LA and was thankful when I realized it's not a cattle call.

We checked in, and waited maybe 5 minutes. The casting agent came out, and Madi went with him, and I followed. First some shots were done saying her name and age. Then the audition. Madi had to chase a snack that I dangled in front of her. And man, did she ham it up, laughing and giggling the whole way through.

Call backs are next week, and the commerical will be shot at the end of January. Once again, we don't hold our breathe. But it was a fun experience!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Dry Summer

We've had no audtions since Johnson & Johnson. A relatively dry and boring summer...that is until today. Last minute audition for a TV comedy. Got the call from our agent, and no sooner then that, I had Madi together, with headshot, and address. We made it in plenty of time!

Went to Sunset/Bronson Studios, Building 10. Madison was more interested in her milk then impressing anyone. But once that milk was in her belly, she put on a show. Pointing out the dogs on the calendar, saying "hi" and "bye," blowing kisses, etc. Such a ham sandwich.

The original casting call was for "9 months old. She is the youngest of the kids. Looking for active, expressive babies who are outgoing and comfortable being held. Babies must be able to crawl and sit up...Seeking twins and triplets only. Submit all ethnicities. " Here I am with a 20 month old, that isn't a never know what they want. Let's see what happens.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Open House

Madison's agency had an open house today at the office. It was nice to get some face to face with her agent, other clients, and parent's of clients. You don't get that a lot. We are blessed to have such a personal relationship with our agency.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I need an iPhone

I am seriously pathetic. I keep checking my phone and e-mails to hear back from our agent. I never think twice about auditions, but this is our first call back, and all I can do is think about it. Maybe I should go get a Blackberry or iPhone, so that I don't miss a thing.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Johnson & Johnson Call Back

Got a text message from Madi's agent today to check the e-mail. Apparently, Madi had a "call back" for Johnson & Johnson. However, this "call back" was not typical, because I was going to video tape Madi taking a bath, and pouring water over her face to show her comfort with water. No problem, she LOVES the water! Here's the problem, we don't own a video camera. A quick call to a friend, and I have secured a handheld camcorder. Phew!

After an episode of Curious George, it was bath time, an ever popular time at our house. We went about things as normal, except for the fact that Dada was holding the camera. After 12 or so takes, and nothing working, I came up with the idea of setting up the laptop in the bathroom with Classical Baby playing. Boom! It did the trick. Madi kept looking at the camera, and we got our shots, as she turned into a prune.

The "winning" shots can be viewed on Dropshots.

Once Madi was sound asleep in bed, I got to work, picking the shot(s), e-mailing the casting director and getting in touch with Madi's agent. So I may have been very wrong about Madi not even getting a call back. Nevertheless, it has been a fun "trip."

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Greendog Outfit

Here's Madison in the Greendog outfit she modeled for the Macy's execs:

I loved it so much that I had to get it for, what else, Easter!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

So Fresh and So Clean

I got out of the shower this morning to a voice mail and a text message from Madi's agent. Apparently, we were due for an audition at 11 a.m. for a national Johnson & Johnson bath spot. Of course, I was completely flustered, but managed to confirm the audition, get Madi ready, and go. We got there about ten after eleven, to find many auditions going on. We waited a while for female actors to show up for the mom part of the audition.

Madi was paired with actor Mindy Burnett. She warmed up pretty well to Mindy, and even ran around with her for a bit. Nevertheless, there still was a little stranger anxiety, but not like the other children had to their partners. A couple pictures were taken, and then a mock bath was given by Mindy to Madi. All in all, I think it went okay.

Even if Madi doesn't get the job, the audition experience is always fun. She always manages to make friends with the kids and adults.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Nothing Since...

There have been no auditions since Friday, December 5th. I got a call on Friday morning from Madi BOOM's agent that there's an audition for Macy's Greendog line in Santa Monica that afternoon. Because of the location we decided to take it. What a great, professional audition for once.

Everything was organized, with a small group of kids auditioning. We were in and out within 30 minutes. Everyone was nice and friendly, no egos our anything.

We haven't had any auditions since. Holidays, drama in the entertainment world, and well, I haven't updated BOOM's picture. Ugh. I really need to get on it! Bad Momma!