Wednesday, July 27, 2011


And so begins my series on California Child Labor Laws. I'm providing the information simply because I've found it so hard to find.


Babies under six months old are limited to 1 period of 2 consecutive hours in any 1 day, either between 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. or between 2:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. For babies 15 days to 6 weeks; 1 studio teacher and 1 nurse must be present for every 3 babies. For babies 6 weeks to 6 months; 1 teacher and 1 nuse must be provided for every 10 babies. (8 CCR 11764 and 11760 (2))

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

And She Booked Again

Saturday, I took Morgan to another audition. Same place we'd audition and worked at. It was a semi cattle call in my mind. Lots of kids, lots of ages. But it was ran pretty well. We were number 52. Ran into some familiar faces from other shoots.

Again, got called in to change wardrobe. Let's just say that it's Christmas in July. I sat Mo down on the rug and the sun was making her squint. But on the third shutter of the camera, she gave a big Morgan grin. The photographer commented that she warms up quick. After, changed back to our clothes, and went home.

I guess we booked. Because one of the production assistants called me st 7:50 Sunday evening. I was secretly hoping that Mo wouldn't book, simply because she was running a fever all day. But she did. Victoria sent all the info and said that our call time is 1 pm. I looked at the info and see Mo is a back-up, which is fine with me. She's not feeling well.

Get to parking location about 12:30 pm, only to find fold out chairs set up in the shade. It's about 94 degrees, no breeze. Hung out there forever before calling our agent to ask if we can walk. But the shuttle arrived. Took us to a lovely house, where we got to hang in the garage. No craft services for parents aside from water, hot cheetos and juice boxes. After a bit of time we were allowed into the air conditioned house to stand-by. Isn't that what we've been doing this whole time?

Personally, I thought Morgan's outfit was kind of ugly. At least the colors were...gray, lime green, fuschia, etc. Not my cup of tea. Because the two primaries were sleeping, they put Mo into a group shot. But she was more interested in crawling around. But because she got shot, her paycheck went up. At the same time, I missed training at church that I have to make-up on a Saturday.

What I learned from this experience...we love our agent. Because in the end, she has our best interest at heart.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Carmageddon 2011

This weekend, starting on Friday at 7 p.m. the 405 will be closed between the 10 and 101. That's fine, as I was planning on staying close to home, maybe getting my hair done for my birthday (next weekend). Instead, I will be attempting to get my beautiful 9 month old to an audition on Saturday morning on the west side, during carmageddon. I mean really? Really? And in the notes of the audition ticket it says "plan accordingly, the 405 will be closed." Really? I mean really?