Friday, December 30, 2011

Travel Time

Travel time between school/home and studio is not work time. However, studio to location time counts as work time. When on distant location up to 45 minutes (each way) travel from overnight lodging to work site is not generally considered work time. (8 CCR 11759)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Teacher Certification

A studio teacher must hold 2 clear California teaching credentials. 1) A multi-subject k-12 (primary) and 2) A single subject (secondary) credential in: English, Math, Social Science, Science or a Foreign Language. Additionally, written examination and training will be required of the Studio Teacher by DLSE for final certification. (8 CCR 11755)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Studio Teachers

Employers must provide a studio teacher for the education of all minors up to 18 years old. Additionally, studio teachers shall care and attend to the welfare of all minors 16 years of age or under (8 CCR 11755.2 and 11755.3)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Split Calls/Two or More Jobs in One Day

Minors may work 2 or more jobs in 1 day. The combined total hours at all jobs, however, may not exceed the limits set forth by law. The last company employing the minor will be held responsible for assuring that the requirements have b even met. (Div. Memo 87-1 (d))

Saturday, November 19, 2011

School On-Set

Educational instruction must be offered between the hours of 7:00 a.m. And 4 p.m. for children in grades 1-6; and between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. For children in grades 7-12. Employers are to provide adequate facilities (i.e. a table and chairs, someplace where the child can study without being disturbed). (EC 48225.5)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Regular School Attendance and Work

If a minor attends regular or home school prior to reporting to work, the time spent in school will be considered 6 hours regardless of how long the child actually spent in school. 1 hour of R & R will be allocated to that 6 hour period. Example: a 9-15 year old minor who attends regular school would be permitted on set for a maximum of 3.5 hours. (Div. Memo 87-1 IV (c))

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Ratio of Minors Per Studio Teacher

10:1 on school days and 20:1 on non-school days. (8 CCR 11755.2)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Permit to Employ Minors

Employers must obtain a "Permit to Employ Minors." Applications must be submitted with a current policy of workers' compensation insurance. (8 CCR 11752)

Monday, October 17, 2011


Permits are issued by the California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE). Permits may be denied, revoked or suspended for violation of the law (including discrimination against studio teacher for performing authorized duties. (8 CCR 11758.1 (A)(1)(2))

Sunday, October 16, 2011

I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant...with Morgan

Morgan is the baby in the hospital shots, not the car.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Parent or Guardian

Must be with sight or sound of minor under 16 years of age at all times. 16-17 year olds do not require parent/guardian. (8 CCR 11757)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Outside California

California employers who employ resident minors out-of-state, under contractual arrangements made within California must comply with all California regulations. Minors from out-of-state working in California must also adhere to California law. (8 CCR 11756)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Meal Period

The work day may not be extended by a meal period of longer than 1/2 hour. (8 CCR 11761)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Graduated Minors

Any minor who has graduated from high school, or has been awarded a certificate of proficiency, may be employed any hours as an adult, performing the same work. Studio Teachers and work permits are not required. (LC 1391.2, EC 48412)

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Regulations are fully applicable to emancipated minors unless emancipation document specifically exempts the minor from provisions of the Labor and Education Code. (Div Memo 87-1 VI(A)(a))

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant on TLC

Don't forget to watch I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant tonight on TLC at 5 and 8! Morgan is playing baby Seralin and her premie brother to mom Melissa! The episode called "Baby in the Backseat."

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Coogan Law

Parents are required to open a "Coogan" blocked trust account within 7 days of the start of employment. Employers are required to deposit 15% of gross earnings directly into the minors Coogan account in a timely manner. (FC 6750 through 6753)

A note from Momager...employers rarely ever deposit the 15% into the accounts, so it is the parents responsibility to do so! I deposit the entire check into the Coogan accounts, because our's get a better APR. Also, most banks do not do Coogan accounts. In Los Angeles, I suggest First Entertainment Credit Union.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Blanket Permit

Blanket permits are issued for large groups of minors (i.e. Marching Band) for a specific production over a specific period of time. (8 CCR 11754)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


And so begins my series on California Child Labor Laws. I'm providing the information simply because I've found it so hard to find.


Babies under six months old are limited to 1 period of 2 consecutive hours in any 1 day, either between 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. or between 2:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. For babies 15 days to 6 weeks; 1 studio teacher and 1 nurse must be present for every 3 babies. For babies 6 weeks to 6 months; 1 teacher and 1 nuse must be provided for every 10 babies. (8 CCR 11764 and 11760 (2))

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

And She Booked Again

Saturday, I took Morgan to another audition. Same place we'd audition and worked at. It was a semi cattle call in my mind. Lots of kids, lots of ages. But it was ran pretty well. We were number 52. Ran into some familiar faces from other shoots.

Again, got called in to change wardrobe. Let's just say that it's Christmas in July. I sat Mo down on the rug and the sun was making her squint. But on the third shutter of the camera, she gave a big Morgan grin. The photographer commented that she warms up quick. After, changed back to our clothes, and went home.

I guess we booked. Because one of the production assistants called me st 7:50 Sunday evening. I was secretly hoping that Mo wouldn't book, simply because she was running a fever all day. But she did. Victoria sent all the info and said that our call time is 1 pm. I looked at the info and see Mo is a back-up, which is fine with me. She's not feeling well.

Get to parking location about 12:30 pm, only to find fold out chairs set up in the shade. It's about 94 degrees, no breeze. Hung out there forever before calling our agent to ask if we can walk. But the shuttle arrived. Took us to a lovely house, where we got to hang in the garage. No craft services for parents aside from water, hot cheetos and juice boxes. After a bit of time we were allowed into the air conditioned house to stand-by. Isn't that what we've been doing this whole time?

Personally, I thought Morgan's outfit was kind of ugly. At least the colors were...gray, lime green, fuschia, etc. Not my cup of tea. Because the two primaries were sleeping, they put Mo into a group shot. But she was more interested in crawling around. But because she got shot, her paycheck went up. At the same time, I missed training at church that I have to make-up on a Saturday.

What I learned from this experience...we love our agent. Because in the end, she has our best interest at heart.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Carmageddon 2011

This weekend, starting on Friday at 7 p.m. the 405 will be closed between the 10 and 101. That's fine, as I was planning on staying close to home, maybe getting my hair done for my birthday (next weekend). Instead, I will be attempting to get my beautiful 9 month old to an audition on Saturday morning on the west side, during carmageddon. I mean really? Really? And in the notes of the audition ticket it says "plan accordingly, the 405 will be closed." Really? I mean really?

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Family Audition

Morgan got called in for an audition, that requested for Daddy and an older sister (age 3-4). Hi! Random, but my peeps fit the bill :-P So we all went. I went so that my Mister didn't have to play zone defense, rather one-on-one.

Once there, they got called in and I stayed behind. So apparently, Daddy had to look lovingly at his girls (easy), and Madison had to make Morgan laugh. Apparently, she got her sister to laugh hysterically. Success!!

My peeps scored an AVAIL from this audition. Proud Momma!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Callback for Madi

Madison got the callback for the commercial. This time, Daddy had to take her. But the night before, we played "audition." Basically we practiced saying our names and speaking slowly and clearly.

So we don't know much about what happened in the audition because Daddy didn't go in with Mad. We know this much... Madison had to draw a picture and then talk about it to the other actors. Yeah, no. She was one of the youngest girls by about a year and a half. Her drawings consist of scribbled and not much else. And if you ask her to to talk about it she gives a quick and concise answer. She's 3 1/2. She was done pretty fast and was not asked to stay.

Really proud of her for.getting this far in something new. Let's stick to nonspeaking roles.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Photoshoot at a Random Person's House

Sounds fishy, don't it??

Apparently, this is very common in the world of print and media. We got to our location in Cheviot Hills just before 1. Let me just say that this was by far our favorite shoot. The production people, as well as the talent was absolutely amazing.

We were told to bring outfits with us, but it turns out Morgan's outfit was her "birthday suit." She was the primary baby in the bathtub, with a mom that looked nothing like me :-P However, they developed chemistry early in the day. Once Miss Mo went into the photoshoot, she turned on her charm. I was convinced she would do horrible, as she was cranky and teething all morning. But once that camera came out, she was a whole other kid. She rocked it for 45 minutes.

We had the production team dancing and giggling, and we all rocked out to The Jackson 5's "ABC," in a random person's master bath. And what a bathroom it was. No less than 15 production people were in there! They set up in the shower, and they shot Mo in the bath. Great times.

Thank you!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

New Auditions

Baby line for Morgan
Mo got called in for an audition for a baby line of products. The audition wasn't too far, in Santa Monica. We got to the studio, went in, got called, got a picture taken, and that's it. Shortest audition ever. Thank goodness, because I had to haul my cookies home to pick up Mad and take her to an audition on the west side. Phew!!

Commercial for Madison
Madison had a commercial audition in the afternoon. Only a couple of girls older then her were there. We went in and I sat on the casting couch. LMAO. Mad was instructed to say her name and age, followed by waving and saying "Hi mommy and daddy!" Then she had to sweetly say "Goodnight daddy, I love you." She was cute and did as instructed. Afterwards I asked her if she had fun, and she gave an exuberant "Yes!"

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Carter's Audition

Daddy's second audition, first time with Morgan.

The audition started well, simply because Morgan napped twice beforehand. Always key to an audition for a baby! Checked in, filled out the appropriate forms and got doted on by the casting team. There were about 10 other kids there with parents; Morgan was the only blonde haired, blue eyed kid. Got called in fairly quickly, for a wardrobe change into a Carter's sleep n play. Put her down on a fuzzy rug and she turned on the charm, rolling around, smiling, etc. Afterwards, called MOMager to let her know that "Mo rocked it!"

Daddy was right...Morgan booked the job.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Subaru Audition

Daddy took Madison on this audition. It was his first time at an audition for either of the girls. This would be his account...

We walked in. There were two or three other kids. Sat down for a few minutes after filling out a profile. Called her in. Madison went in by herself, for the first time. She didn't want me to go with her. They asked her to skip across the stage, behind a partition. She doesn't know how to skip. Heard the clanking of Madison's attempts to skip. She came out about 30 seconds later. That was that. You can be the judge of the result of her audition by the brevity of the audition. Thank you Subaru.