Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Pilot Season : New Territory for Us!

Pilot season is in full swing here in Los Angeles, and I just watched "The Hollywood Complex" documentary. I've never experienced the drama that comes with our activity of auditions. To us it's just like going to dance or swim lessons, just another thing to do after school.

Today we received cMail, which we've never gotten. Apparently, Mads was called in to audition for a 2013-14 NBC pilot. And the character has dialogue. What?! And this audition is a PRE-READ with Casting. So I rushed and got a sitter for Morgan, and then sat down for 15 minutes with Madison to learn her lines. And boy, were they intense...something about killing her mother. What?! Then we headed out and continued to practice.

We got to Linda Lowy Casting which was at a studio. Amazing experience just walking through. A little spark hit Madison. Excitement. We went in, and she read with John Brace. Lovely gentleman. It was a huge experience for us both. I'm proud of my little bug.