The one thing I have learned is to leave a day unchanged for my kids. So Madison was off to school, but without warning. She knew that she would have to eat lunch swiftly and to lay down for quiet time. Once we picked her back up from school, it was Morgan's turn for ballet, so we headed out. Everyone tried to stay calm and collected. Once we got home, lunch went without a hitch, and everyone went to bed. Turns out that Madison slept on the floor of my room on my winter comforter...I had to wake her up to get ready.
She wore a very special outfit, and we did everything the same as on Monday. Momma is superstitious. Same boots for Mads. Same tee shirt for me. Took her guitar for luck, listened to the same music....etc.
We got there on time, and found a seat. It got crowded and hot quickly! Director and producer were late.
There some entertaining folks at this callback. I'll just discuss the little girl who we sat down by...and it wasn't her that was entertaining, rather her entourage. With her came stagedad, mom and older sister. Stagedad kept saying that she's focusing and calming her inner self. Stagedad was also wearing a top hat, a tuxedo jacket and jeans. Mom's legs couldn't stop shaking. Older sister kept coming over to fix said little girls hair, shirt, face, smile, jeans, hands...Stagedad kept taking phone calls. When not on the phone he was trying to make out with mom. This little girl looked MISERABLE. Absolutely, undeniably did not want to be there. Hey stage parent, if this is your dream, you go audition. Don't make your kid do it.
First round, the kids went in individually. Some were let go immediately, others were being asked to stay. The poor girl that I just mentioned was in and out in under a minute, and was let go. Madison went in after the cutest little boy (he was let go). I've never seen my kid with such a bounce in her step. She went in and was in for a significant time. From what I go out of her afterwards they asked her questions like whether she knows how to decorate cookies, dance and if she's ever danced ballroom. LMAO! She came out. We were asked to stay.
Kids started to dwindle. Kids started to get ants in their pants. But Madison always manages to make lots of friends. We ended up with a small "crew" of kids playing and taking pictures with iPads and giggling together. The final group of kids that stayed were 4 girls and 3 boys. And so they started to pair them off. Madison and her new friend Mia ended up sharing a little boy. When they got called in the duos had to slow dance and then draw tattoos on each other. We stayed until the bitter end. Mads told me that they showed them how to dance and they giggled the whole time.
All in all, we met wonderful kids with normal parents. Had a wonderful experience with casting. And went beyond the initial goal of just getting the audition on Monday. I say that is a pretty successful week. I am proud of Madison. She was shown poise and maturity. I think that this week really hit her, and she understands what auditioning is and how it effects you. Last night, she told us she wants to be a singer on stage when she grows up. Anything is possible kiddo!